On Monday when I opened Google Ad-words Keyword Tool my eyes stuck a message which is popping to the top of the page that “Keyword Tool will no longer be available in the next few months. To get keyword ideas, try the new Keyword Planner , which makes keyword research even easier. After reading this message first I felt that like Google Reader, Google also wants to get rid of this Free Keyword Research Tools and soon it will no longer be available in the coming month. But after searching a bit about this news I found that it’s true that Google’s Ad-word Keyword Tool is going away but it’s not true that you no longer be able to access this free web service by Google. It’s very clearly explained on Search Engine Land article that Google completely want to terminate Ad-words Keyword Tool and introduce it with the new Ad-words Keyword Planner. And due to this user will no longer be able to access this free ke...
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